Jesse Wente’s goal as new chair of the Canada Council for the Arts? To reduce the harm it causes

By Theatre Critics  Karen Fricker and Carly Maga:

“The major considerations for a strategic plan for any organization right now should be: what does the new world look like? How do we support that? How will we be nimble enough to be comfortable not knowing and yet developing policy around not knowing? With artists and the cultural sector, even though we’ll be among the last to restart, I think we have a fairly significant role to play in helping to define what recovery and restoration look like.

… Ultimately, the goal for me is to reduce the harm the Canada Council causes, not just to my community but to any community that suffers under colonialism, which is really all of us on some level, and to make it somewhat easier to exist, work, live and participate.”

SOURCE: The Toronto Star (7 min read)