He Went to 105 Shows in One Season. Now He Watches TV.

What has this year been like for the most voracious of culture vultures? A super fan in Chicago lets us into his life without the arts.

By Michael Paulson

“Minieka is now 77 years old. He still lives in Chicago. And he still loves the arts.

In the last prepandemic season, he bought tickets for 105 live performances — symphony, opera and lots of theater.

… At the start of the pandemic, a friend offered him her old TV — she was upgrading — and he decided it was time to hook up cable and figure out streaming.

He’s bingeing “Downton Abbey,” “The Crown” and “Brideshead Revisited.” He watches the occasional movie. But he has no patience for digital theater. “I just don’t enjoy it,” he says. “I’ve been to the real thing.”

Now he’s had both vaccine doses, and he’s planning to celebrate by seeing a Monet exhibit at the Art Institute. But will he go back to live performance? He’s not sure.

“I’ve kind of gotten used to sitting at home, and not paying for tickets, or spending a couple of nickels to have things streamed,” he said. “And it used to be you had an 8 o’clock curtain, and if I wasn’t there they’d close the doors. Now I can start whenever I want, and I don’t have to wear a matching tux.”