Primavera Sound organizes trial concert in Barcelona to evaluate accuracy of rapid-result Covid-19 tests

Results from the clinical study will help researchers understand whether rapid results testing could be a useful tool in screening for infections at large-scale events.

By Maya-Roisin Slater

“ All concert-goers will take the rapid antigen test, and half will also undergo the PCR test. Only those with negative results from the rapid antigen test will be permitted to enter the venue. Eight days after the event, everyone who attended will go through another round of rapid testing, with the same half as before taking PCR tests. FLSIDA will closely monitor anyone with positive results after this second round of testing. 

If proven effective, these rapid tests could come to play a significant role in preventing the number of infection clusters stemming from events and large gatherings in the time before a vaccine is widely available.”

Source: Resident Advisor