Support Relief for Nonprofit Orchestras and Musicians Impacted by COVID-19

Source: League of American Orchestras

Talking Points:

  • The forced closure of many performance venues and places of work is having very real financial consequences for orchestras and musicians, not only from the loss of income from ticket sales and the indefinite loss of opportunities for musicians to work, but also from lost contributed revenue as donors reassess their capacity to give due to economic uncertainty.

  • Orchestras and musicians who perform in them are vital contributors to the nonprofit sector and important to the economy of the communities they serve.

  • Orchestras are innovating to provide online arts experiences and distance learning opportunities. They will be an essential partner in jump-starting local, state, and national recovery efforts during and after COVID-19 and should be supported by all forms of relief.The unexpected loss of event-dependent revenue, income for musicians, and declines in charitable contributions is mounting and will only worsen over time. The arts sector is particularly hard-hit and has acute needs that must be addressed in the next relief package