Robots and electrostatic sprayers: Air travel industry looks to technology to bring back wary passengers

Airports and airlines struggle to decipher what it will take to restore confidence in wake of pandemic.

By Susan Ormiston: “… If and when air travel does come back, technology could play a big role, as airports and airlines around the world explore and develop some sci-fi-like approaches to help passengers feel safer.

“Welcome to the airline flight of 2021. Before boarding, walk through the disinfection tunnel and the thermal scanner and have your bags sanitagged,” begins a report, The Rise of Sanitized Travel, published by an aviation marketing consultancy in April. 

Airports and airlines worldwide are struggling to decipher what it will take to restore confidence, rushing to come up with a kind of sanitation security, an overhaul even greater perhaps than the security measures put in place after 9/11.

“The one key characteristic of an airline that’s going to thrive on the other side of this crisis — it’s an airline that can be nimble,” said Josh Earnest, chief communications officer for United Airlines. 

Source: CBC News