The Locked-Down Blues: Canadians, Live Music, and the Pandemic

By David Coletto: “A new poll conducted for Music Canada finds that many Canadians say it will take six months or more before they feel comfortable going to watch live music again, even after physical distancing restrictions are lifted.

At the end of April, Abacus Data conducted a national public opinion survey commissioned by Music Canada, the national association represents the country’s largest music labels, to explore how Canadians are feeling about the pandemic as it relates to music and live music in particular… During the pandemic, Canadians report they are consuming more music than usual and finding comfort during these difficult periods.

• 35% say they are listening to more music than before the pandemic started.
• 31% say they are watching more video content from musicians online than before.
• 31% say they are watching more music videos than before.
• 24% say they are watching more recorded live concerts than before.

… But even among Canadians who love live music the most and report going most often before the pandemic, many will be reluctant to return quickly to live music events if they are allowed. Among “live music lovers”:

• 49% say it will take six months or more or they may never to feel comfortable going to a concert in a large venue.
• 48% feel the same way about going to a music festival.
• 68% say it will take six months or more or they may never feel comfortable again going to a concert in the United States.”

Source: Abacus Data