Coronavirus Response for the Live Performance Sector

By Sue Urqhart: “This document was designed with the intention to provide factual information, recommendations and resources to help the live performance sector prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak in Canada. This document shouldn’t be seen as a substitute to official information from public health authorities.”

  1. Introduction

  2. Monitoring and information sharing

  3. Federal Assistance Updates

  4. Measuring impact

  5. Upcoming online support events

  6. Resources

    1. From public health authorities

    2. Collections of resources

    3. FAQs and resources from funders

    4. Business continuity, economics, and HR

    5. Support for artists and agents

    6. Livestreaming and digital performances

    7. Webinar recordings

    8. Other resources

  7. Recommendations for the Live Performance Sector

  8. About this document

Source: Maintained and updated by CAPACOA, Performing Arts Alliance,Ontario Presents, the Canadian Live Music Association, Ottawa Festival Network.