In Berlin, orchestra musicians gather to perform together for the first time since lockdown

By Jeremy Reynolds: “For the first time since March, members of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra will perform together onstage in a livestream program.

Streaming a concert virtually is old news these days — but many musicians and listeners have been pondering what the entertainment scene will look like once some of the restrictions of COVID-19 have lifted.

The Berlin Philharmonic is charging ahead with one way forward. While full symphony orchestras vary in size but typically include between 80 and 100 players, only a small number of the Philharmonic’s musicians will perform onstage separated by the recommended six feet.

… The orchestra’s website is not explicit about the number of players, but the instrumentation of these pieces suggests that no more than 14 or 15 musicians will perform at one time. There will not be an audience in the hall.”

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette