How to get audiences to pay more for streamed content

What would happen if an audience was allowed to make a reservation for a small fee, enjoy the experience, and then pay afterwards, when the emotional value is highest?

By Kahlil Ashanti

“The currency of relationship and attention is often underestimated. The notion that people find more value after the experience than before was something I just couldn’t shake, but I chalked it up to emotion and left it alone for a while.

I kept performing here and there, always shaking hands with audience members and still hearing that same phrase: ‘I would have paid more for that’.

… When live performances return it won’t be floodgates opening to thousands of people eager to pack our venues. It will be about customer confidence and perceived value. Live streaming is here to say, and streaming for free doesn’t scale nor does it provide any data you need to build your most valuable asset – long term audience relationships.”

Source: Arts Professional