The Guardian view on classical music: normality is futility

If the past weeks have shown anything, it is that steady progress towards pre-pandemic life is a fantasy. Radical thinking is required

By Editorial,

” Orchestras and opera companies are in an appalling position. Their entire identity, their reason for existence, and their financial model is based on large numbers of people sitting in close proximity indoors, on stage and in the audience. This is clearly an impossibility now, especially given the growing scientific consensus that Covid-19 is partly spread by tiny aerosol droplets that can linger in ill-ventilated spaces.

… It may mean reversing every assumption they know, it may mean that orchestras become communities of musicians who operate in small groups, as opposed to the massed ranks that they were employed to be – but the path of becoming radically local, community-centred organizations, who perform in places other than grand concert halls lies open. So does the acceleration of connecting with audiences digitally.“

Source: The Guardian News & Media